Social responsibility
Each year REMA TIP TOP Holding Benelux and its companies contribute a part of its operating profit on sponsorship and donations. This could be projects with a social, culture or sports background.
REMA TIP TOP Holding Benelux and its companies currently support the following causes
Dutch National ice hockey team
The Dutch national ice hockey team is covered by the NJIB. Founded in 1934, the association organizes all ice hockey sport events in the Netherlands. Visit website.
Ome Joop’s Tour
Since 1950 ‘Ome Joop’s Tour’ organizes cycling tours for special groups of children. With this ‘Ome Joop’s Tour’ the organization wants to reach children whose parents have little or no means to celebrate a holiday. Visit website.
Marga Knaven
Marga Knaven is an artist. Her works include ceramic, plastic, aluminium, rubber and other materials. Marga uses rubber waste products from our company to create objects. Visit website.
In addition, REMA TIP TOP Holding Benelux supports several small-scale charities.